Health and Healthcare


Start your search for health related information here. Just click on the logos to get started.

This site directs you, based on your state of residence, to purchase insurance through either the appropriate state or federal health insurance marketplace.



Medicare is a health insurance program for people aged 65 and over who have paid into the system through payroll taxes on their wages. In order to receive benefits, you need to enroll. This page, getting started with Medicare, gives more information about setting up Medicare.


Children's Health Insurance Program

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is offered through the Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa program, also known as Hawki. Iowa offers Hawki health coverage for uninsured children of working families. No family pays more than $40 a month. Some families pay nothing at all.


Iowa Department of Public Health

Public health is a partnership of local public health, IDPH, non-profit organizations, health care providers, policymakers, businesses and many others working together to protect and improve the health of Iowans. Public health strives to improve the quality of life for all Iowans by assuring access to evidence-based population-health programs.


CDC Healthy Living

The Centers for Disease Control's (CDC's) healthy living site covers specific health conditions, health at different life stages, and health considerations for specific populations.